On Tuesday, December 20, staff and students at Willard Intermediate South school were injured when two dogs identified as a pit bull mix breed made their way into the playground.

That's not a fucking pitbull then IS IT?!

The dogs were euthanized in order to be tested for rabies. The tests will be completed today, and we expect to have results within the next couple of days. During the investigation, it was determined that one of the dogs was not vaccinated and no proof could be provided that the other was up to date on its vaccinations.

So it could've been rabies but you go straight to the bullshit bioessentialism and insinuation that genetics can predispose one to violence.

Link to article

Obligatory link to my effort post on this phenomenon (reddit link because the OG here is in archive limbo)

  • ScrotalSingularity [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Hi just came from the sub, I'm floored. So fucking arrogant lmao.

    Everyone distilling this to nonexistent bite statistics is failing outright.

    The amount of injury able to be caused by a dog is key.

    Why is the physiology of the dog completely removed from the discussion in order to talk about how we need more good boys?

    Probably easier to talk about their hobby. Rather than the people breeding and buying dogs that have the strength to take on a human being in the first place. Why are you so particular about having an animal with its own agency and the ability to tear a child apart? Just to prove you're so good at training that it won't happen.

    Dogs don't bite people, owners abusing them bite people, I guess. Oh but don't forget it's usually the fault of people bothering the dogs according to one comment. How exactly did they get that statistic?