• dismal [they/them, undecided]
    2 years ago

    Woolf said he doesn't think it will take 25 years for Americans to regain the ground lost over the past two. Once COVID-19 deaths fall, life expectancy numbers should bounce back, he said.

    umm am i like actually fuckin stupid or is this like a utterly baffling assertion to make? with repeated infections causing cumulative and long lasting (or permanent) damage aka long covid, and with the organ damage (which i guess is essentially a part of long covid anyway) how could this possibly be true? doesnt long covid result in shit like microclots and other utterly fucking horrifying things that all but ensure an early death (however early that could be doesnt really matter.... if its still ultimately below life expectancy)

    like say the virus just disappears one day, just poof its gone, itd never happen but say it does (:sicko-wistful: )

    you still have all these people, of all ages just dying from various causes that all ultimately stem from the organ damage theyve sustained via the 19 covid reinfections theyve accumulated over the years.... so how exactly would life expectancy just "bounce back"?

    • iridaniotter [she/her, it/its]
      2 years ago

      Here, I will correct the statement.

      Iridaniotter says they don't think it will take 25 years for Americans to regain the ground lost over the past two. As COVID-19 related deaths accumulate and the general deterioration of the American empire continues, life expectancy numbers should likewise continue to fall, they said.
