"I am well aware that many secular conservatives are convinced that they cannot believe in or practice any religion.

To these people, I say: So what?

Once you realize that America’s future depends on Americans affirming “In God We Trust” just as much as they affirm “Liberty” and “E Pluribus Unum,” you have to work on taking God and some religious expression seriously. You should emulate parents who are tone deaf who nevertheless give their children piano lessons.

“Fake it till you make it” is one of the many great insights of 12-step programs. The rule applies to everything good that does not come naturally.

Find a clergyman who shares your values and regularly take your child (or grandchild) to religious services.

Study the Bible with your child or grandchild on a regular basis. Lincoln rarely attended church, but he read the Bible every day. If you need a rational approach to God and the Bible, I suggest beginning with any of my three volumes of Bible commentary, “The Rational Bible.”

Say a blessing before each meal. Even if you’re secular, that shouldn’t be too difficult.

I promise you that whatever discomfort you experience acting religious pales in comparison to the discomfort you will experience if your child or grandchild ends up woke."


  • regul [any]
    2 years ago

    Me and my trans sister were dragged to church and Sunday School every Sunday by our conservative parents.

    Jokes on you, Dennis. Compassionate Christianity is probably the whole reason we're both communist.

    And the reason my parents no longer vote for Republicans.

    • CrispyFern [fae/faer, any]
      2 years ago

      Unironically I think the reason I'm a leftist is because of my "Christian" upbringing. I was raised catholic. but my main religious educators were my mom and grandma and they kinda ignored all the fucked up parts to focus on turning the other cheek and helping poor people. For example, I didn't realize Catholics were supposed to hate gay people until I was practically an adult.

      I don't think you need to be religious to be a leftist or anything like that, but it was definitely the path I took.