It should come as no surprise that as Twitter sinks itself that the muskrats are trying to drag everything else down with it. :edgeworth-shrug:

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Transparent lists of which instances are blocked

    A well-maintained instance in the Fediverse will transparently show a list of the instances it has blocked and the reasons why, as can be seen with the example of a mastodon. social or chaos. social. Instance admins also share which instances they block and keep these lists up to date. For example, the Japanese instance Pawoo, which was blocked in 2017, is still on the block lists today. Servers that do not block such instances are also often locked out. So there is a functioning system of moderation that has these problems on the screen. was able to see a comprehensive collection of hundreds of instance block lists that shows exactly that.

    The majority of the community also moderates other inhuman attitudes such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia and blocks instances that do not actively take action against this content. That’s why right-wing mastodon projects like don’t stand a chance in the community and wither away in isolation. In fact, it is the responsibility of the respective authorities to disconnect certain communities in the Fediverse as soon as they become aware of it. And they do.

    Another task that lies with the developers and the Mastodon community is the exclusion of such instances from lists of available instances as maintained at  or elsewhere. Here, too, attention is increasingly being paid to this, as the first common rules show. Fact-free fanboys

    For fact-free fanboys of Musk, conspiracy ideologues, and right-wing actors, the article by Secjuice is a godsend, as they can discredit the alleged “Woken” and their new digital home.

    So does Julian Reichelt, the former editor-in-chief of Bild: He took up the topic on his campaign page and turned the unsustainable story even further against public broadcasters and in particular Jan Böhmermann and Georg Restle. The two media representatives, hated in right-wing circles, had recently been intensively promoting a move to Mastodon. From this, Reichelt’s side now knits a kind of complicity with criminal content and ends with the incredible sentence that the two unwelcome opinions would apparently be harder to bear “than that”. In the style of the QAnon ideology.

    Apparently, the operators of right-wing disinformation are fine with any means.

    Editor’s note: We have neither linked the blog article discussed nor Reichelt’s campaign page because we do not want to feed these publications with more attention. If you are interested, consult a search engine. Our writing on this topic at has been a tradeoff between the attention it gives to the spreaders of disinformation and the proliferation of this misrepresentation, which we feel should be housed and debunked because it is already so prevalent.