So basically there are these things called 0dte options which expire worthless on the same day u buy them. Last Thursday my 0dte options went up 1000% in value when Tesla dropped by 10 percent LMAO. Basically its free money at this point to buy tesla puts that expire a week out from now or a month from now at open(9:30 no later not even 9:31). Teslas largest manufacturing plant just closed indefinetly and it was announced Saturday. So it’s literally free money to buy weekly’s puts around 100 strike price. Tesla the company is done for and this is one of the very few opportunities to make dhit loads of money with little risk I shorted Luna and made thousands during the crash. I also shorted usdn and made thousands of that as well. I’m basically a career hater investor and it’s worked out well. If enough people do this elon is literally going to go bankrupt in the coming weeks. Then he will be gone from twitter. I will post my positions Tuesday. Doubling down on my monthly’s on Tuesday at open. Wish me luck. I am doing this for the benefit of society as well as to get to be a neet and never work again:D. If you follow my advice for the love of Christman sell when ur 300% up. That’s my price target atm then I’m gone

Edit: btw don’t panic sell if it goes up. Friday it shot up from 122 to 128 in 5 minutes and my puts lost 70% of their value just like that. And then 10 minutes later it was back down to 122. Don’t sell for a loss. If you go to u can see the mass exodus of Tesla insiders dumping their shares. Any upwards movement is a scam wick designed to trap the stupid Tesla bulls. Don’t paper hand. Hold it and you will be greatly rewarded. Ofc sell somewhere between 300%-1000% gains. Past that is just pure greed. The dead cat bounce is very possible at these levels. However if you buy monthly’s this is completely avoided and you destroy elon as long as you don’t paper hand.

  • SpaceCosmonotkey [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    This is pretty great. Glad you’re making money doing nothing like this. Lol. I will try to look into this.

    Where do i buy/make the 0dte puts at? Robin Hood or something?

    Also i think it’s only responsible to talk about what happens if it does go up. Do you end up owing money? Money that you potentially don’t have?

    • Sbebg [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Yeah u can do robinhood but be warned 0dte puts are basically scratch offs and are worthless if Tesla goes up or stays neutral. Weekly’s or monthly’s a lot safer. However 0dte puts can easily 10x ur money if Tesla goes down 10% or more in a day. Also if u have 0dte puts u gotta sell when ur up because they are worthless by the end of the day, Basicallt the closer to expiration the option is the more you’ll make on an intraday drop. Inversely if it doesn’t drop intraday or weekly you lose all ur money with 0dte puts. That’s why they called 0 days till expiration. With weekly’s or monthly’s tho it’s not the end of the world of the trend downwards continued.