For the sake of this post, we'll pretend travel is not :bourgeoisie: decadence and is used to reinforce our ideals and build global connections (but not the :cia: kind).

Normies travel to Disneyland for treats, Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, London to see legacies of royalty, Rome to see the ruins of empire.

Where do communists pilgrimage to? Lenin's Tomb, Pavlov's House? I want to visit Soviet war memorials and speak to eastern Europeans who lived under socialism, saw it's dissolution, and the aftermath.

The destinations can be less ideological, of course. What are some cool places?

Was going to post this in /earth but I have a hunch that's a dead sub

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    2 years ago

    cool thing about 'leftist travel' is your never far from the site of bloody reaction against the workers & acts revolutionary defiance, if ya know where to look.

    so it doesn't have to be the first priority when you're thinking of what you wana see. Paris is 'Eiffel Tower' but also hundreds of leftist sites. Barcelona is Gammon Holiday but also the heart of anarchism in the SCW & still has CNT knocking about.

    but also you could travel somewhere to do something funny like desecrate a grave or leave flowers on an assassination site ( of a comrade or a spirited attempt at killing a baddy)