Fuck I can't open dating apps anymore. Every time I see a motherfucker in a restaurant or unmasked at a concert I get pissed as fuck that they are willing to kill people like me for shallow consumerism.

It sucks to be a disabled zoomer right now, when so many people my age who 2 years ago were full on pro ACAB are now willing to murder disabled people for the most surface level shit. I never felt happier eating in a restaurant pre-pandemic or drinking in a bar, that shit was alienating as fuck. Even friend hangouts they were fun but not worth killing people over.

This has been a horrible year. A horrible period, I hope these eugenicists get retaliated against in some manner even if it just looks like a bunch of people starting to mask again cause they see too many loved ones dying.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]M
    2 years ago

    Ya, I was just gonna say this. Masking has really shown me who's the lib and who's a comrade in my circle.

    Although obviously everyone needs to mask.

    • Kosh [she/her]
      2 years ago

      I want to also shout out all of the people who said in 2020 that they would continue to mask after COVID when they were sick because they realized that they got fewer illnesses, only to completely forget about it in 2022.

      Special mention to all of the people in the store who see I'm wearing a mask and they suddenly start coughing near me.

      I'll get on a bus and it's not even like i can feel safe next to someone who's also masked, because it may be that they have COVID. The rules are not to stay home if you're contagious, only wear a mask if you are and feel ok to work.

    • gick_lover [they/them,she/her]
      2 years ago

      Yeah like tbh I am definitely going to use the question of how people approached COVID this year and may be next year as a way to vet future comrades, friends, and partners. I believe the way a person handles this pandemic especially this year is a good indicator of how they might handle more intense situations, which is key thing to note especially for partners and comrades.