Fuck I can't open dating apps anymore. Every time I see a motherfucker in a restaurant or unmasked at a concert I get pissed as fuck that they are willing to kill people like me for shallow consumerism.

It sucks to be a disabled zoomer right now, when so many people my age who 2 years ago were full on pro ACAB are now willing to murder disabled people for the most surface level shit. I never felt happier eating in a restaurant pre-pandemic or drinking in a bar, that shit was alienating as fuck. Even friend hangouts they were fun but not worth killing people over.

This has been a horrible year. A horrible period, I hope these eugenicists get retaliated against in some manner even if it just looks like a bunch of people starting to mask again cause they see too many loved ones dying.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    Team incel but not in an incel way stand up!

    /joke I think the secret is to get really, really in to latex and gas masks /joke

    Just show up at the club and people are like "Hey are you wearing a chemical warfare suit to the club?" And you're just like "No, no, that's ridiculous. This is the cool new kink for cool kinky people."

    • MeatfuckerDidNothing [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Haha funny joke

      (Uses foot to push chemical warfare suit out of view, leans against the wall, whistling nonchalantly)