Fuck I can't open dating apps anymore. Every time I see a motherfucker in a restaurant or unmasked at a concert I get pissed as fuck that they are willing to kill people like me for shallow consumerism.

It sucks to be a disabled zoomer right now, when so many people my age who 2 years ago were full on pro ACAB are now willing to murder disabled people for the most surface level shit. I never felt happier eating in a restaurant pre-pandemic or drinking in a bar, that shit was alienating as fuck. Even friend hangouts they were fun but not worth killing people over.

This has been a horrible year. A horrible period, I hope these eugenicists get retaliated against in some manner even if it just looks like a bunch of people starting to mask again cause they see too many loved ones dying.

  • MF_BROOM [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Meant to send this last night but was having trouble accessing the site.

    I basically gave up on dating apps, I hate using them as is, and it's a lot of effort to try to find people who are also COVID-cautious. I've realized that a partner who is still COVID-cautious like me is an absolute imperative.

    Like tbh, I don't even want to bother with someone who is respectful of my COVID boundaries but is "back to normal" outside of our interactions, seems like that could eventually be a point of conflict if a relationship were to develop. Especially since I'm looking for a long-term relationship. I've heard so many anecdotes of relationships being destroyed, or kept intact but having become very strained because the people in the relationship don't see eye-to-eye on COVID.

    For trying to find friends and partners, I'm basically exclusively looking at COVID-conscious communities on the internet now. Quite a few subreddits are COVID-conscious, some of which have already been posted below. There are a couple Discord servers that are good too, including Death Panel Podcast. For dating specifically, Covid Meetups has that option. There are also a number of Facebook (LOL Facebook) groups that use the "Still Coviding" name, and there are multiple dating-oriented groups among those. Seems like these spaces usually end up having quite a few leftists, too. Lots of immunocompromised folks, too, who will especially empathize with you.

    I didn't have much faith to find someone any time soon, but I actually did meet someone recently in my area from one of these spaces who's really cool, and it's going really well so far. So you never know!