It's interesting this doesn't have anything to do with social liberalism, or putting principles before materialism.
He uses the word more to mean "half-assing revolution"
Needs a click-baity title like:
What kind of :LIB: are you? Take this quiz to find out!
Damn in 6, 7, and 8 is he really spurring us on to be posting warriors
Cursed opposite version :up-yours-woke-moralists:
To fail to stand up straight with your shoulders back. This is one type of liberalism.
To treat yourself like someone you are not responsible for helping. This is a second type of liberalism.
To make friends with people who don't want the best for you. This is a third type.
To compare yourself with who someone else is today, not to who you were yesterday. This is a fourth type.
To let your children do anything that makes you dislike them. This is a fifth type.
To criticize the world without first setting your house in perfect order. This is a sixth type.
To pursue what is expedient (not what is meaningful). This is a seventh type.
To not tell the truth--or, to lie. This is an eighth type.
To assume that the person you are listening to doesn't know anything you don't. This is a ninth type.
To be imprecise in your speech. This is a tenth type.
To bother children when they are skateboarding. This is an eleventh type.
To pass a cat you encounter on the street without petting it. This is a twelth type.