• PhobosAnomaly@feddit.uk
    2 months ago

    I'm fortunate in as much that my professional accreditations (and being a part time student) get me access to all sorts of discounts, but even still it's worth asking for a student discount (or whatever they offer at the till) all the same.

    Nine times out of ten, the retail staff aren't paid enough to give two fucks, so they'll just put it through as whatever discount appears on their till.

    The worst they can say is no, after all - and that costs nothing.

  • pseudo@jlai.lu
    2 months ago

    Your are a student even when a doctor preparing for your professorat.

  • Digestive_Biscuit@feddit.uk
    2 months ago

    Years ago my wife did an online course, I forget which one, it might have been open university (UK). She worked full-time with a fair salary and studied a few hours each week in the evening. She got a student discount card. The requirements seem (or did, perhaps it's changed now) quite low.