here's the thing: everyone complains about late capitalism and how alienated and isolated we all are. everyone acknowledges this, and reassures each other of this, alone.

you need to get out of yourself, and your head, and your small bubble of one, and you need to go see old friends, or former friends, or people in your social circle who are just meh, or your annoying roommates, or your co-workers, or your former co-workers, or your lame family members, or your lame and bigoted family members, or strangers at a bar, or whomever, and party. meeting people is praxis, strengthening relationships is praxis, making yourself seen and vulnerable to another is praxis. please, guys, go out.

this, here, now, is a facsimile, mediated through a thousand screens. go kiss, go get kissed, go reject a kiss, go be denied a kiss. go out.

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
    2 years ago

    everyone in here is basically being like “well if a problem is societal then there’s nothing on a personal level we can do about it!”

    by their logic, hunger is societal issue made worse by capitalism, guess there’s no point in me, an individual, feeding hungry.

    none of what you wrote here is true or makes any fucking sense. The ironic thing is that I have half a mind to log off from this website and never come back again at this point because the chance of meeting asinine neoliberalized fucks like yourself in social contexts outside are orders of magnitude lesser than on the internet, even on sites like this.

    Holy Fujitsu too:

    many users here are just flat out terminally online and out of touch with the real world

    (I have been) frequenting this community since the r/cth days it’s genuinely upsetting to me