It's an annoying and stupid game. It's all about being a landlord. One or two players are lucky and they are the only ones having a good time. The rest of the players are spending their time losing.

"Well ackshually, Monopoly was originally called 'The Landlord Game' and was all about how landlording was bad" — I don't care, you're still spending an evening pretending to be a landlord to your loved ones. The game is completely unenjoyable because it emulates capitalism too well.

Fuck off with competitive boardgames. Give me games that are merely facilitating having fun and being social and where only nerds keep score, like charades or pictionary .

  • PeludoPorFavor [he/him]
    2 years ago

    back in high school, i was with a group that played loose with the rules (which I didn't care for, because it makes the game last forever, and defeats the purpose). the house rules let us make any sort of agreements on buying/selling properties as long as they were consensual. So I would "sell" or "rent" properties in exchange for immunities if i landed on others' squares.

    at the end of one game, I only owned Park Place and Broadway with hotels, and just sorta sauntered around the rest of the board waiting to get lucky and bankrupt the others. it wasn't "fun" per se, but it made people mad enough that we stopped playing, which was what i wanted anyways.