We all agree terf has not been a useful term for a long time, it implies they're feminists, it implies they're for women, it reinforces their arguments that they're on the side of women and gives them space to hide their more extreme elements.

Why not something like cis-supremacist? Something that is far-right adjacent would be useful in making people properly make this connection, especially given who they're allying with lately.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    2 years ago

    The f stands for fascist, farthead, and fishfood :transshork-happy: :blahaj: :hexshork:

    but seriously, i simple use terf as a slur now that i do not really treat like an acronym, hence why i'm not using the TERF spelling. I don't believe anybody in that movement still can be called a feminist. A lot of these groups like the LGB Alliance receive funding from queerphobic, anti-abortion groups. Thinking of yourself as somebody who fights for the rights of women while you're on the payroll of evangelicals and tradcaths to incite stochastic terrorism against queer people is ridiculous, and that's all that terfs do nowadays.

    Also it's worth keeping in mind that terfs themselves hate being called terfs - which is ironic, given that it started out as a term they used until they realized it's kinda mask-off to tell everybody you're trans exclusionary instead of pretending that you "actually have lots of trans friends" (read: have talked to truscum once at a nazi get-together). If they think it's a slur to call them terfs and insist that they're gEnDeR cRiTiCaL, i will keep calling them terfs until they turn blue in the face.