Geoengineering is the final contingency, the Hail Marry throw when all other actions have been exhausted.

But these moneyed dorks are fully convinced that we're already at that stage. They cannot conceive of a world where they are successful little capitalists and no real effort has been made to address the problem. "Bold disruption is the only way!" Aggg! They can't do something reasonable, like build a nuclear plant. It has to be this big, showy statement -- they have to feel like they're the hero blazing a trail in the fucking sky.

We have everything we need to fix this. We have an unprecedented understanding of soil chemistry, of oceanic/atmospheric interactions, of the holistic and complex interactions of millions of species; a global network of machines for collecting, keeping, and sharing records; the ability to generate power from the fundamental interactions of matter itself!

Geoengineering is the only path for a world, somewhere in our potential future, that is already dead. Ecological Husbandry is the opportunity to keep this world and it's people alive today.