Pretty good, shame about the botched ending

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    2 years ago

    All of this :100-com:

    In fact I would add that its made even worse because of the choice system. Mass Effect's paragon/renegade morality system was always pretty shallow even from the beginning and in hindsight is another aspect of the series that has aged super poorly for various reasons especially since it devolved by part 3 into simplistic goodguy/badguy approach, but Legion's loyalty mission I would argue stands out as the one genuinely interesting moral dilemma you ever have to face as the player in the series.

    Do you destroy the Geth...or do you forcibly convert them into the rest of the collective? Even if the Geth were Human that would be an extremely complicated moral question involving questions of individual rights and free will...but most people I think would generally have at least have a gut answer to it and direction they would take..

    But as you point out: the dilemma is made infinitely more complicated by the fact that the Geth are not Human and do not experience society and individuality from the same perspective that we do! Even if you're a die hard idealist 'give me liberty or give me death' type who finds the idea of forcible conversion revolting in every fiber of your being it actually makes you really engage and wrestle with whether or not you are actually being immoral by forcing that bias and perspective onto an alien culture that genuinely just doesn't think like that.

    Then part 3 said "fuck that shit. All robots turn into real boys."