• TornadoThompson [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Thatcher was a fucking demon of every possible colour.

    Her entire time in power was dedicated to destroying and pulverising the working classes - she had a pathological hatred of unions and self-determination. Almost brought low by the miner's strike, she started a war with Argentina purely to save her own boney arse and stay in government. Then, beginning with privatisation and deregulation, Thatcher annihilated manufacturing and large-scale industry purely as revenge on workers - as a result the UK was stripped of assets, infrastructure, and investment with all the profit going overseas never to be seen again. And fuck her for starting the fucking Poll Tax in Scotland (again as revenge - Scotland always fucking hated her because of the closure of the shipyards amongst other things). A tax that, by the way, was only ended when people in the South of England - her key voters, started complaining despite there being a year of growing protests north of the border.

    She was directly responsible for Tony Blair and New Labour and their fuckery - happily continuing the Tories' work of blithely assaulting civil liberties, union representation, and public services in the name of neoliberalism and profit.

    Fuck that fucking rancid bitch. A thousand deaths isn't enough.