Hello everyone! It's that time again! As always, hope you're well! If you've got something cool going on, this is the place to talk about it! If maybe things ain't so hot, this is also the threat where you can have an ear to listen to you.

Remember: you are loved :soviet-heart:

Not a ton going on here - some good shows this past weekend, and doing a special drumless drone/noise set next week at a local DIY spot. Partner has been dealing with brain med switch and self esteem issues, so when I'm with them, I just try to keep things light and low key. Been adapting video game plots to bedtime stories with our pups as the main charachters for them. Got through LoZ: Ocarina of Time last night, trying to rack my brain for what other video game plots might work for this.

Hope you all are well!

  • macabrett
    2 years ago

    Not great. People don't consider the simple things that are really hard for immunocompromised people right now. My wife's tooth cracked and dentists are doing zero to be safe from covid. She's gotta get it fixed, but then we have to find a way to keep her distance from me long enough that we know she won't spread it to me. And then like most dental work, there's gonna be a followup with the same issues. Hard dealing with this. Things were better setup for this to be safe in 2020 and 2021.

    • dallasw
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • macabrett
        2 years ago

        Yeah, ultimately we landed on her isolating in her parents' basement, because where we live there isn't really enough room to properly set up any sort of ventilation and isolate. I've been alone a lot this past year for stuff like this and it's getting to me.


        I hope y'all are doing okay overall. It's been rough on us, but we're getting through it. Just gets harder the more it seems like this might be the rest of my life.