Hello everyone! It's that time again! As always, hope you're well! If you've got something cool going on, this is the place to talk about it! If maybe things ain't so hot, this is also the threat where you can have an ear to listen to you.

Remember: you are loved :soviet-heart:

Not a ton going on here - some good shows this past weekend, and doing a special drumless drone/noise set next week at a local DIY spot. Partner has been dealing with brain med switch and self esteem issues, so when I'm with them, I just try to keep things light and low key. Been adapting video game plots to bedtime stories with our pups as the main charachters for them. Got through LoZ: Ocarina of Time last night, trying to rack my brain for what other video game plots might work for this.

Hope you all are well!

        2 years ago

        work is fucking killing me. i'm overworked, underpaid, spending all hours at crime scenes and dealing with pigs, or listening to the mayor how we just need to hire a few more pigs to fix the homeless problem. i've seen 5 dead bodies in the last year, and i've spent more time on crime scenes than with my baby in her first year of life.

        i might be able to technically quit and not be homeless as my wife has a good job, but we'd lose my health insurance, and with a baby that's no good. i'm trying to transfer over to teaching but that's slow going so i'm just fucking trapped by police tape for the foreseeable future.