Not joking. Incredible. Biden is uncool for not doing this.
Whoever photoshopped this is amazing lol
Wait, what do you mean "It's a real photo"?!
This is so frustrating to see, this whole anti-vaxx shit is entirely US centered and imported, in Brazil there is mandatory vaccination for children already.
Here is an article if you want to know more, use google translate
More recently, in 1975, Law No. 6,259 , signed by then President Ernesto Geisel, with the aim of institutionalizing the National Immunization Program, determined that the Ministry of Health had the role of defining mandatory vaccines. It still works. At the time, the payment of the family allowance, a benefit established in 1963 and which helped millions of families with children up to 14 years old, was conditioned to the presentation of the vaccination certificate of all beneficiaries for payment.
In 1990, the ECA (Child and Adolescent Statute) was sanctioned by then President Fernando Collor. The text provided for “mandatory vaccination of children in cases recommended by health authorities”. Currently, vaccines such as BCG (which prevents tuberculosis), yellow fever and MMR (against measles, mumps and rubella) are mandatory. The national vaccination schedule provides for at least 19 vaccines, all made available by the SUS ( Unified Health System), only in the first year of a child's life.
No Brazilian male ever regretted or questioned vaccination untill this bullshit American anti-vaxx shit was forcibly exported to the third world via fascists like Bolsonaro. This shit is the law for almost 40 years now.
Another facet of cultural imperialism.
Read Greg Grandin’s Empire’s Workshop because it’s good, but also because it outlines the process by which all of Americas tactic’s (from overthrowing govs to the right wing brain worms) are exported and tested in Latin America.
Passage in question:
No step on snake guy:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”Random twitter guy:
What are you doing, exactly?No step on snake guy:
Prayer and showing support for a little resistance, if needed... ;POther twitter guy:
So nothing lol:michael-laugh:
Tbh, I thought it was something from Jojo part 6 because of the logo in the top left
Liberal Hawk 🦅🇸🇪🇺🇦🇹🇼🇪🇺🏳️🌈
The Jews never attempted to forcibly overthrow the German government.. and besides, being a fascist Bolsonaro supporter isn’t an immutable characteristic and they can most certainly be judged negatively based on it.Their bio:
Social Liberal, pro-NATO, hawkish, bisexual, teetotal, EU Freeaboo 🗽🇺🇸 fuck fascism and communism
Even tho Lula is doing them and everyone a favor, I still hope they squealed like the pigs they are :stalin-gun-1: :stalin-gun-2:
Sad :michael-laugh: will never get to laugh until he cries at this news lol