I got in an argument with a liberal about the police where I tried to explain that good cops are anathema to capitalism because their role under capitalism is to violently suppress labor at the behest of capital, a claim I backed with both ample historical data and examples from my own life as an activist. His response was to repeat "the vast majority of encounters with police are uneventful" and "you can't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch" like a broken record.
“you can’t let a few bad apples spoil the bunch”
But that is literally what bad apples do. They let off enzymes that quicken the ripening process of other apples. If you put a ripe apple in a bag of unripe apples, they all get ripe and rot. Why do they always get this wrong!? Cause the same goes for the cops. Even if someone joins with "good intentions" and want to be nice to people on the job, if they go against the other rotten apples, they get kicked out or sometimes killed. So they have to rot too.
But that is literally what bad apples do. They let off enzymes that quicken the ripening process of other apples. If you put a ripe apple in a bag of unripe apples, they all get ripe and rot. Why do they always get this wrong!?
I pointed this out to him and he said something to the effect of "By that logic, genocide is okay"
The logic - such as it is - is that if we can condemn police as a whole because of the actions of some of their members, then we can do the same to a race.
The phrase works if your solution is to actually prosecute and remove the "bad apples" but the issue is that the apple orchard owner likes spoiling the bunch and is intentionally putting bad apples in positions of power repeatedly
WELL HOW MANY BAD APPLES DOES IT TAKE? It's the same shit when people are like "America stands for this or that," but like, c'mon, it might stand for this or that, but it also does unfathomable harm to everyone it comes in contact with.
Not to be that person but Zekrom is basically the idealism pokémon
Ya, where I found this there was a similar comment. Something about how Reshiram would be better as the "truth" pokémon. I don't really know much about pokemon, so what would you suggest?
liberals are fun because they think everyone would also be a liberal if they're shown certain graphs or if they read Obama's autobiography. no matter the person's class interests, material circumstances, or the history of their country, liberalism is supposed to transcend all of that. You simply become a liberal once you've digested a certain set of data. They think it's a set of factually indisputable claims. Like they claim they're against racism because racist prejudice is based on falsehoods, not that it's disgusting or a violation of human rights, but because of numbers. It's factually untrue that black people have a lower IQ than white people, therefore if this fact were disseminated enough, liberals believe racism would evaporate.
also metapods are cute and I love them