like, flaccid button and hard slightly under average at best. There is a lot of hateful comments here that make me feel like shit. Please stop. Not every comrade with a penis has a good one. I'm tired of being reminded I can't pleasure partners if I ever stop being such a loser I can't get a partner. Honestly, I don't even try. Button dick stops me. Can we please at least stop the ableism here? I feel enough pain constantly going "oh I want to ask her out.... oh wait, I can't please her" already.
My personal experience with those is that eventually they stop working and I was just kicking the can down the road, and I regret ever spending any money on it.
In the long run shaving your head is the strategy that works out best because you can't become balder and it's a look you can easily maintain the rest of your life. I am not giving one size fits all advice, just the advice that worked for me, and expounding the benefits of it.