like, flaccid button and hard slightly under average at best. There is a lot of hateful comments here that make me feel like shit. Please stop. Not every comrade with a penis has a good one. I'm tired of being reminded I can't pleasure partners if I ever stop being such a loser I can't get a partner. Honestly, I don't even try. Button dick stops me. Can we please at least stop the ableism here? I feel enough pain constantly going "oh I want to ask her out.... oh wait, I can't please her" already.

  • RION [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I will say that the "size doesn't matter" response can be taken as a white lie told to make them feel better. But of course what else are you supposed to say then? You can't convince someone of something they won't or can't believe. The reality is that preference is all over the place and you can't change that, but it's hard to accept things you can't change.

    TMI about my own experience here (rambling)

    I used to stress so much about it when I was younger. I can say truthfully that I am about average (perhaps a bit thin? Idk I only had a ruler not a measuring tape) when measuring properly from the pubic bone, but perception is so fucked that average can feel small, especially given the average dick size observed by men through porn. Combined with insecurity about my weight I felt like such a dumpster fire. But then I just... stopped worrying so much? And while I still hate my body due to weight issues I just don't care at this point. I can feel the insecurity nibbling at the edge of my mind but unless something truly traumatizing happened I don't think about it. What's tough is that whenever anyone would say to get over it and love myself, that just made me angry. Oh, easy for you to say! So while it is ultimately the path forward IMO, it can be tough to get there and impossible to lead someone there.