like, flaccid button and hard slightly under average at best. There is a lot of hateful comments here that make me feel like shit. Please stop. Not every comrade with a penis has a good one. I'm tired of being reminded I can't pleasure partners if I ever stop being such a loser I can't get a partner. Honestly, I don't even try. Button dick stops me. Can we please at least stop the ableism here? I feel enough pain constantly going "oh I want to ask her out.... oh wait, I can't please her" already.
This was specifically in reference to a toupee worn specifically by a masc presenting cis man to hide the bald spot that society says he should be deeply ashamed of, and how most people will interpret you spending hundreds of dollars on a custom hairpiece to hide a part of your body you do not want people to look at.
Sure, normalize wearing wigs. Fashion rules don't make any goddamn sense at all under serious scrutiny and I by and large don't pay attention to them because I have a hell of a time finding anything that even fits me to begin with.
I just stated my advice which is stop agonizing over baldness as a cis man. After I stopped worrying about it and shaved my head it was a huge relief to my mental health, and I can only imagine how fucking horrible my anxiety would be if I was wearing a toupee to try and hide it if it was successful, let alone if it wasn't. And it would be money I desperately need for other things anyway.
TLDR I'm sorry if my advice came across as rude or heteronormative, I'm just trying to help people with troubles I've already been through