Start by imitating the breathing of a big dog.

Slowly shift to imitating the breathing of a little dog.

Notice the what your mouth and throat are doing differently for each.

Masculine is the big dog / low resonance.

Feminine is the little dog / high resonance.

Resonance matters as much as pitch - maybe more than pitch - in terms of gender-affirming your voice.

Big Dog Breathing ---> Little Dog Breathing.

It's cringe to do, but fuck it.

It reminds you of those copy-pastas that make you pantomime a blow job or something, but it's not that, I promise.

Just try it.

Big dog.

Small dog.


I'll keep talking about this until somebody tells me I shouldn't.

Try it.

Do it.


  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    1 year ago

    I've been doing this and I have made progress! It works, voice training sucks, like 80% of my struggle with it at the start was the cringe and then the next 80% of my struggle was using my femme-est voice I had out in public. I feel like I have such a long way to go, but when I've tracked my voice over the last year even though I still don't like it - it is more femme and that's undeniable by the comparison.

    • rubpoll [she/her]
      1 year ago

      My voice teacher had to remind me if I could do my most-private most-feminine voice all the time, in sustained conversation, I'd literally be done with voice training. That's the entire end goal.

      And so so so much of it is acknowledging it's cringe and then getting the fuck over it and doing it.

      Congrats on your progress! I've been getting gendered properly with strangers on the phone and I feel like I've come a long way... :cat-trans:

  • jkfjfhkdfgdfb [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Start by imitating the breathing of a big dog.

    Slowly shift to imitating the breathing of a little dog.


    • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Dogs pant, imagine a really big dog like a great dane panting. Imitate that. Imagine a really small dog like a chihuahua or bichon. Imitate that. Shift from big dog mode to small dog mode, play with it and notice what changes. There's videos on youtube for it too if you need a audio/visual example.