Is there any good starter advice or anything that would be useful to know?
Eddie Izzard's classic bit about shoplifting makeup
Eddie was such an important influence because she... made jokes about the experience of being trans/transvestite but the joke was always about the absurdity of the situations she found herself in, instead of punching down on queer people. that was basically unheard of in the 90s.
Yeah. Clean the cuticles first. Trust me this is the most important step.
Multiple thin coats.Three strokes outwards to the ends, middle, side, side. leave a very thin gap of bare nail on either side, that will elongate stubby or short fingers/nails. Dipping the nails in ice water speeds up how fast you can dry and apply the next coat.
Top coats are nice for durability. I find Gel polishes to be easier for quick/inaccurate coats, so start there.
Don't be afraid to mess around with a white or black base coat to change the tint, or to use a gel with a sheer coat on top as a wash. Think of it as a Warhammer model, and don't be afraid to experiment.