Another one not mentioned but probably will happen - DLC content for books, where “buying” the book only gives you the most basic, barebones stuff, and you have to pay extra for anything decent.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Fantasy Grounds (particularly with the latest rework) is acceptable for folks that don't want to go hog-wild on personalized content.

    Also, you really want to use something like Forge if you haven't set up your own server. I'm a cheap-ass, so I'm paying around $2-5/mo for an Azure server that I stood up and hosted the Foundry instance on. Doing it on your laptop is... a lot. Particularly if you've got people terming in long-distance.

    At $30/mo, you're charging on par with one of those Stadia-style "unlimited games for $X/mo" plans. And even if its worth it, what they're effectively selling is just a video game. Why would I want that? I'm playing D&D to socialize, not to stare at a screen.