• Tunnelvision [they/them]
    2 个月前

    Yes, but Ukraine has been the biggest blow to American empire in literally its entire history. Before the war the rot was visible if you knew where to look, but now it’s everywhere.

    • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
      2 个月前

      Yes, but Ukraine has been the biggest blow to American empire in literally its entire history.

      Sorry, but pooh-wtf

      • Tunnelvision [they/them]
        2 个月前

        I should say the failure of Ukraine as a project has been the biggest blow to American empire in its entire history.

        • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
          2 个月前

          The US fucking around in the Middle East for decades then pulling out and changing nothing. Failures in Vietnam and Korea. I think all three of these overshadow Ukraine in terms of demonstrating western failure.

          Sure, Ukraine is important but the situation isn't even close to being resolved, and we won't know its full implications for years.

          • Tunnelvision [they/them]
            2 个月前

            Then you don’t know much about history from a Marxist context because none of those conflicts had any real negative impact on the American empire, they only expanded the American economy by pumping money into MIC and expanding the security state. Ukraine on the other hand in just two years has de armed nato to an astonishingly high degree, allowed Americas enemies to stand up and fight, led to the largest military raid on Israeli soil in generations, pushed nato troops out of Africa, bolstered an entire economic block of emerging powers, and has given incentive for those powers to break off from the USD which is the lifeblood of modern capitalism and imperialism. There’s a mega on the front page that’s been going on for years now talking about it I would really recommend you read it some time.

            • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
              2 个月前

              I don't see the post you're talking about can you link it?