Inverting as many things as possible about Disco Elysium would involve a story about an exceptional ubermensch born into greatness with a vast harem of doting fawning waifus obsessing about his greatness where pretty much everything is possible and all threats are just relatively easy obstacles to overcome with more destiny and more greatness, with an undercurrent of "bad people are bad because they resent the great one's greatness."

... Shit, is the opposite of Disco Elysium Sword Art Online? :pathetic:

  • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
    1 year ago

    i don't think there can be one. the anti-disco elysium would have to be made by browsers of political compass memes. and therefore it cannot be made. its like how starship troopers is both satire and an example of what that sort of fascist society would pass off as art.

    you can, of course, point out problematic stuff, sheer liberalism or capitalism realism in other works. but that's more of a background feature rather than the thought out nature of disco.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I suppose the best I can ask for is what comes closest to that possibly unattainable anti-Disco Elysium target.

      Thoughtlessness or sloppy messaging that feeds hogs could count as being anti-Disco.

      • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
        1 year ago

        all rpgs are basically about one randian superperson being an anarcho monarch and solving all problems via utilitarism

        therefore the quasi anti disco elysium is actually pathfinder kingmaker, because then that definition becomes literal

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I wouldn't say all RPGs are about that, but those shots fired may be somewhere close to the mark.

          • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
            1 year ago

            dont get me wrong i love rpgs. i play them altogether too much. i know there are ways you can bend the genre's conventions a bit. for an example and without going a bit too niche, there's deadfire with it's story beats that circle around colonialism.

            at the end of the day you pick which faction takes over the region that deadfire takes place, from colonial powers to native kings. one thing that even fans of deadfire don't seem to realize is that for all your influence, you can't actually create an ideal scenario. every faction comes with the prejudices and contradictions of their cultures. you can sometimes suggest the better path to specific people, but the epilogues never claim that these issues were outright solved.

            and still you're playing what amounts to a prophetic individual. the bridge between the gods and mortals. the world revolves around you as a heavenly superperson and the devs ended up patching in a conversation with one of the gods to make that explicit.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago

              I give Disco Elysium credit for having Harry be interesting and different but not particularly positioned to actually make lasting changes to anything except at a very local level, maybe. :tequila-sunset:

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          1 year ago

          all rpgs are basically about one randian superperson being an anarcho monarch and solving all problems via utilitarism

          In Kenshi you're a band of deadbeat bums and lowlifes who wander around until they get really good at Kung Fu and then liberate people from slavers and fashy psuedoChristians. But you still get your ass kicked by Beak Things.

          • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
            1 year ago

            to be fair, kenshi does run on anime logic. the more you can get beaten to an inch of your life the more superhuman you can get. it's just that everyone else benefited from that too.

            plus one speedyboi can kidnap all the joe bidens, bringing an end to all the fashy empires with ease.

            • Frank [he/him, he/him]
              1 year ago

              I had one very speedy very sneaky person (Their gender was "ambiguous shadow in the corner of the room) and their spent so much time rescuing my passed out fighting squad! I never abused hand to hand though so they weren't all powerful.

              • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
                1 year ago

                kenshi is one of those games that come broken out of the box. it's a sandbox so, really, you do whatever you wanna do. its very much like the sims where challenge isn't the point, making up stories is.

                one of my favorite characters starts off in the holy gulagstan and is a true believer. joins the army, nearly dies multiple times because the holy army in bast is atrocious, gets estranged from their squad, ends up travelling the world on their way back home and outrowing those beliefs due to multi-racial nature of imperial ancapistan. more stuff happens and then we end the holy empire with a peasant revolution.

                god i love kenshi

          • ElGosso [he/him]
            1 year ago

            You can choose to fight the Anti-Slavers instead but the game logic makes it pretty clear that the slaving factions are Bad