the battle royalification of games is annoying for sure, but saying it started with fortnite is giving epic games wayyyy too much credit.

fortnite just ripped the entirety of PUBG but with cartoon graphics and worse shooting mechanics. and even PUBG was just taking the lead of minecraft hunger games which was popular YEARS before either PUBG or fortnite were around

except minecraft hunger games was good actually. it was fun and it was just a single game mode that some minecraft servers implemented, not the whole game. there are a ton of server minigames that creative minecraft community members come up with, hunger games just happened to capture everyone's attention the most, and then devs noticed and decided to capitalize with stuff like PUBG

  • culpritus [any]
    2 years ago

    Most good game concepts start out as mods. It used to be a big selling point on many popular games: mod support. Seems like cross-platform and anti-cheat have resulted in very few successful multi-player mods or even mod support in mp games.

      • wwiehtnioj [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Valve for all their faults are one of the only companies in gaming (or even in general) that has some long term vision and recognize that being actively hostile to consumers is not a good long term strategy.