:flag-gay-pride: :elmofire: :jesus-cleanse:

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    2 years ago

    Capitalism is mostly about accumulating profit right? Central tenant if there was one. Capitalists may not believe in God but they believe in creating a utopia where there’s no government regulations or taxes that impede business activity. they also have symbols that are seen as sacred. You also place men like mark cuban and donald trump on pedestals, almost prophet like. Theres a whole belief system behind being a capitalist, of how the world works and what’s going to happen. Theres a capitalist community, not as strong as a religion but it can get there.

    I see the same zealotry in capitalist as I do in fundies. How long until theres an attempt at making a cult of money? It wouldn’t be the first time.

    you dullard. You can say this shit about any ideology, because ideological thought was a social l invention to replace the role of religion in society, once the latter became incompatible with the class structure. Priests under feudalism do the same thing that the media does under capitalism. Oil lanterns to electric lights. Religion to ideology. Its a technological advancement. Some people still make their religion their ideology, but you don't see Distributism getting much traction among the "religious right" do you? it's because religion is obsolete, god is dead, especially among you Protestant freaks who worship your own sin and decadence and call it faith.