I feel like I shouldn't be ignorant about stuff like that when they are playing more and more of a role on the world stage and the US is ramping up hostilities.
I feel like I shouldn't be ignorant about stuff like that when they are playing more and more of a role on the world stage and the US is ramping up hostilities.
Lol at reading my post history and trying to use my struggles with mental illness against me as a rhetorical device. Fuck you, "comrade," you're a piece of shit
I'm not trying to win anything, man, I'm trying to help someone who's clearly having a rough time. Your response in this thread vastly out of proportion to a normal response and I recognize that behavior as someone who's been there myself. So think I'm a piece of shit all you want, but talk to me so we can get somewhere that you're in a better place.
Sending a DM