    5 months ago

    Obama identifies as a Protestant Christian and regularly attended church. If you were politically active at the time, you may recall a particular controversy about his longtime pastor. Trump identifies as a nondenominational Christian, and is currently selling Bibles. Joe Brandon's Catholicism is more bloodthirsty than say the pope or many European Catholics prefer, but it's right in line with mainstream US Catholic attitudes. Calling the Zionist project "secular" is pretty wild claim I'm not sure you could get any credible "Israeli" to get behind. The Zionist government (and a majority Jewish people in the US) isn't exactly shy about it's position that Zionism is Judaism and vice versa. A German census in 1939 has 95% identifying as Protestant or Catholic, and 3.5% identifying as nondenominational Christians. The Nazi regime's incorporation of Christianity into its political rhetoric and association of atheism with Bolshevism is extremely well documented. "Gott mit uns" wasn't a Nazi PSA about wearing gloves in winter while fighting the godless communists. Mussolini made Roman Catholicism the state religion of Fascist Italy. I'm not particularly well read on Imperial Japan, but they did codify Shinto as the state religion. You seem to equate the big three Axis powers as a single homogeneous "fascism" (a reductive premise I'd disagree with) while claiming it arises from "pro-West secular views", but apart from none of those being secular states, Japan wasn't considered "Western" by any measure until after colonization by the US.

    I'm going to bow out of this conversation now, because it's hard to imagine this discussion taking a turn for the respectful or productive when most of your premises are verifiably inaccurate as a matter of historical fact.