No more bankers.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    2 years ago

    i was just thinking how the bourgeois have lost an element of fear they had during the first red scares like circa 1900s-20s and obviously before this (like 1800s). back then they really had to work to flee a country. some horde of pissed off people and they may be able to take a back road down to a private boat or maybe a floatplane. they might have a route to a small aircraft in an open muddy field. all this stuff can be cut off. ranges were short. they better hope everything goes fucking perfectly.

    they really feared for their lives. communications might be cut or too slow to give them enough warning. their security no matter how heavily armed would not be able to stop an entire pissed off nation or a Russian revolution level uprising.

    now they can just bail in an instant. they are un-tethered. helicopter can land in the front yard. what we hypothetically and in parody do to them must be global and total.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      2 years ago

      It's going to be particularly interesting to see what happens with well known bougies that leave countries that successfully turn socialist. Many people we know today will be actively performing propaganda on social media about those changes. :funny-clown-hammer: and other opportunists will be actively agreeing and attempting to promote this propaganda.

      Social media is going to massively change events compared to history. Imagine how the GDR might have played out differently if the population of the East were a voice that other populations could hear and speak to online instead of only hearing the bourgeoise media representing them. A far larger number of people speak English today compared to previously too, an international language might be good for imperialism and business but it has the double-edge of making borders less significant. Consider that just 3% of Russia speaks English and less than 1% of China, but 54% of Germany speaks English, if that were the case in the past with the tools of today things would have been heavily different. The capitalist world is going to have to utterly crack down on and control the internet if they do not want this to significantly affect their anti-socialist propaganda.