For the last 7 months, it's been nonstop "Israel needs to destroy Hamas", "Go into x and finish them", "End Hamas!"

Putting aside the genocidal implications, the only response I can formulate to this is "And then what?" The whole world just watched you bomb civillians for half a year and then celebrate it. This isn't going to end with one group being stamped out. What happens when the next Hamas pops up? And then the one after that? Then the one after that? Are they just buying time until they can properly declare war on Lebanon or something?

  • DankZedong
    2 months ago

    Hmm, concede all land to Israel, get ethnically cleansed anyway and see THOUSANDS of your brothers and sisters still held hostage captured by Israel. No, it must be Hamas bad.

    2 months ago

    I might be reading your title wrong so please forgive me if I do, but isn’t Rafah being invaded right now? I’ve seen TikTok’s and even tweets about how the borders are closed and tanks have rolled in.

      2 months ago

      The point being made, as i understand it, is that anyone who believes things along the lines of "just one more operation and it's over" is either clueless or deluding themselves. Even if they wipe all of Gaza off the map that will not end the resistance, it will just make it grow even bigger even faster.

        2 months ago

        I thought the same thing, Hamas can never be defeated because even if every current member was eliminated a new one will emerge as they see their family murdered in front of them. The fact that people don’t realize this is incredibly frustrating. Some genuinely believe that Israel is sincere when they say their only goal is to eliminate Hamas and everything will be fine after that, how are people so easy to dupe?

          • Nakoichi [he/him]
            2 months ago

            And yet there are still indigenous nations and peoples here fighting for their existence.

            This is borderline patsoc talking point btw.

            • TΛVΛ
              2 months ago

              This is borderline patsoc talking point btw.

              Can you elaborate? This got me thinking...

              Is it bc patsocs use fatalism regarding the struggle of indigenous nations as an "argument" to oppose it? Or is it that its reproducing fatalism regarding a just struggle that needs our solidarity and "pessimism" isn't helping?

              (I hope I am not being insensitive. Pardon me if I don't have the best read on this. I am not a USian and not super exposed to this and I know far too little about the topic)

              I obviously agree that its important to stand in solidarity with the struggle of indigenous nations in the land under US occupation! But I too would think that the Zionist regime would be happy to have their settler colony achieve US levels of "completion" of their genocide (which I also don't see happening, but that's besides the point)

              I don't see a contradiction between both. It would simply mean that one deems the struggle against the US settler colony, the struggle for liberation, harder as of yet. Which seems to be an unfortunate but fair analysis or not?

              • Nakoichi [he/him]
                2 months ago

                Is it bc patsocs use fatalism regarding the struggle of indigenous nations as an "argument" to oppose it? Or is it that its reproducing fatalism regarding a just struggle that needs our solidarity and "pessimism" isn't helping?

                Yeah basically both of those. And I wasn't leveling it as an accusation but it is a very common argument of chauvinists like PatSocs and liberals alike.

        2 months ago

        The only way to end "Hamas" forever is to kill every last Gazan. But even if they do that, this won't end. Just escalate.

    • Nakoichi [he/him]
      2 months ago

      They mean what happens after.

      Fascism needs an existential threat and people aren't gonna just let this slide so even of they do "destroy Hamas" then what?

    2 months ago

    Isntrael is manifest destiny 2.0 but without the advantage of a disease like small pox that mostly harms the natives. The difference is that everyone has seen what they are and this time, the ethnofascist colony is going to be destroyed. That's when this ends.

    • [moved to hexbear]
      2 months ago

      Offer rejected, nowhere for Netanyahu to stick his 50km golf course that just so happens to be planned to go where Gaza is.

    1 month ago

    The day isntrael stops expanding, it collapses. It's economy depends on it. They can't stop even if they wanted to. Even barring the recent conflict, they would have started some shit out of necessity. The fact they enjoy murdering is just a plus.