I can't affirm my gender identity or who I'm attracted to without it being automatically "political" or "risky" to state, and as depressing as a way that is to phrase the matter, it hurts that it's so damn true.
I honor no such privilege. I am a golden goddess, the cishets need to justify their reason to appear and speak in my presence.
Also too easy to internalize those demands from allocishets and waste way too much time trying to prove/justify things to yourself. At least when I saw it happen to others (whether it be a teacher trying to imply I shouldn't talk about the existence of my moms so openly or my parents pointing out how they very frequently get seated in the back corner of restaurants so not as many other customers have to see that gay families exist), it was easy to see how ridiculous it was. But the internal nagging is not nearly as easy to ignore.
Still dread coming out to family and friends. And unfortunately, the not being het doesn't stop one of my moms from still being transphobic. Been thinking I should do it this weekend - otherwise, I feel like I'd be insulting my parents in a way (and sorta feel like I already have by not saying anything sooner). So far, my only explanations for adjacent questions by them have been basically "just cuz" and shrugs. That should be more than enough justification, but I still feel that I am supposed to have more explanation ready even if that's enough to get them to drop the questions.
I’d like no one to have to justify their existence. Aside from millionaires and billionaires, obviously.