There's no way the stock wont dip again, it's like basically confirming that buzzfeed is an automated content mill not worth reading, who actually wants this? And it's so funny because maybe there's the possibility that maybe readers won't notice, but they also need to literally announce publicly that they're using AI to get the stock spikes in the first place.
Please tell me what value Buzzfeed even creates. It’s just a seven layer dip of ads on ads.
As far as I understand it this is almost the entire internet now. Online advertising doesn't work at all and never has. Companies have been pouring their ad budgets in to a black hole for years. As near as I can tell they just don't know what else to do because every market is so saturated. Online shopping is also starting to get to a point where the decades of loss leader anti-competitive practices are starting to have their bills come due and online retailers can't afford to keep it up.
Online advertising used to work, and some sections still do a little like influencer and some Google Ads stuff in some niches, but in the last two years effectiveness has plummeted, even using very advanced advertising techniques.
How much of Buzzfeed article writing was already just Mad Libbing through a prompt guide anyway?
How much of their traffic was just confused olds and automated screen scrappers stumbling through their clickbait ads?
Like, nevermind surplus. Please tell me what value Buzzfeed even creates. It's just a seven layer dip of ads on ads.
There's no way the stock wont dip again, it's like basically confirming that buzzfeed is an automated content mill not worth reading, who actually wants this? And it's so funny because maybe there's the possibility that maybe readers won't notice, but they also need to literally announce publicly that they're using AI to get the stock spikes in the first place.
As far as I understand it this is almost the entire internet now. Online advertising doesn't work at all and never has. Companies have been pouring their ad budgets in to a black hole for years. As near as I can tell they just don't know what else to do because every market is so saturated. Online shopping is also starting to get to a point where the decades of loss leader anti-competitive practices are starting to have their bills come due and online retailers can't afford to keep it up.
:hillary-contempt: :putin-wink: :trump-moist:
Online advertising used to work, and some sections still do a little like influencer and some Google Ads stuff in some niches, but in the last two years effectiveness has plummeted, even using very advanced advertising techniques.
It's in a massive race to the bottom now.