The food theme for my next DnD session is "food on a stick." Any bright ideas? I can't think of a single thing. Next step is fooling around on the internet until I find something that looks interesting, but I thought I'd ask you folks first. Only dietary restriction is one person is allergic to pumpkins, zucchini, etc.

Edit: I knew you guys would come through! I have so many great ideas to look up and think about now, thanks so much!

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      1 year ago

      past participle of fondre 'to melt'

      and i should tell you now i do not recognize the soverignty of those medieval cities in the alps

      • hahafuck [they/them]
        1 year ago

        They speak French in Haiti also. And Senegal and Belgium. Are all foods from these places French foods?

        And OK. You don't recognize the proud united cantons of the Helvetian Confederation as legitimately sovereign. That's OK, even if it is almost certainly older than whatever shitty place you are from. But the part of the country fondue is generally considered to be from was never a part of France, so whoever's rule you do respect over it, the flag is still wrong. It's also the part, incedentally, that is not in the Alps.