It at least can jump between animals to farm workers, and is found in raw milk (barn cats drinking raw milk caught it). The venn diagram of raw milk drinkers and COVID anti-vaxxers is pretty much a circle, so they're not going to stop drinking raw milk and will not take any precautions to keep others safe if they do get sick.
The more infections, the more pressure for further mutations that increase spread amongst mammals, just like we saw with COVID -> omicron -> jn1.
It at least can jump between animals to farm workers, and is found in raw milk (barn cats drinking raw milk caught it). The venn diagram of raw milk drinkers and COVID anti-vaxxers is pretty much a circle, so they're not going to stop drinking raw milk and will not take any precautions to keep others safe if they do get sick.
The more infections, the more pressure for further mutations that increase spread amongst mammals, just like we saw with COVID -> omicron -> jn1.