Reminder that while its possible Biden may actually genuinely believe this sentiment: you should never forget that actual real life successful capitalists recognize its fucking bullshit. I always recommend people to read Peter Thiel's "Zero to One" because, unlike Ben Shapiro or other conservative writers, Thiel's livelihood isn't built on preaching to the choir and selling capitalism to the masses and it actually gives genuine insight into how people like him think.
One of the more revealing things he talks about is the fact that actually capitalism inherently bends towards monopoly and actually hates competition, because if this perfectly balanced system of competition they preach about actually existed there could never be any actual profit or surplus value generated.
The rich know this. They operate on this knowledge. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a rube or is somehow being paid by them.
Yeah, the word "competition" implies an ultimate winner. That's what competition is. I'm becoming increasingly and painfully aware that not only are capitalists irrational but insane. And stupid.
Reminder that while its possible Biden may actually genuinely believe this sentiment: you should never forget that actual real life successful capitalists recognize its fucking bullshit. I always recommend people to read Peter Thiel's "Zero to One" because, unlike Ben Shapiro or other conservative writers, Thiel's livelihood isn't built on preaching to the choir and selling capitalism to the masses and it actually gives genuine insight into how people like him think.
One of the more revealing things he talks about is the fact that actually capitalism inherently bends towards monopoly and actually hates competition, because if this perfectly balanced system of competition they preach about actually existed there could never be any actual profit or surplus value generated.
The rich know this. They operate on this knowledge. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either a rube or is somehow being paid by them.
Yeah, the word "competition" implies an ultimate winner. That's what competition is. I'm becoming increasingly and painfully aware that not only are capitalists irrational but insane. And stupid.