Even ignoring the problematic parts, Rick and Morty was always a dumb guy's idea of a smart show
You don’t walk in so much as wake up there when the drugs wear off
honestly at this point i will respect you more if you have an anime figurine in a cumjar displayed prominently on your desk rather than having this shit
We need to shut down the English language until we can figure out what's going on
I have never seen it before in a basement therefore you are wrong
as someone who has seen a good number of basements, it's actually pretty common.
I've seen this in older homes in cold climates. Every cubic foot of air you trap behind the drop ceiling is a cubic foot of air you don't have to heat.
100% of posts you see from people stupidly declaring "Rick and Morty is super smart" are from people try to parody the approximately zero people that say this stuff genuinely.
a guy with a science PHD once told me that it's a super smart and complex show. I was astounded that this person existed IRL
it cracks me up when someone shoehorns 9/11 into stuff. "this is 9/11 for _____" or, my personal favorite, when it's used as a verb, "somebody should 9/11 their asses." a low effort bit, but it gets me every time.