• Catradora__Stalinism [comrade/them,she/her]
    1 year ago

    A terrible argument to make, a culture of dating people close to your own age is what should be happening. Introducing new laws besides age of consent that help this along would be good.

    I can't believe I have to make these arguments here of all places. I thought this place was better. He related his own goddamn experiences with it and all you can do is give a non-question, like some right-winger.

    • arabiclearner
      1 year ago

      a culture of dating people close to your own age is what should be happening.

      As in some kind of Cultural Revolution(TM)?

    • arabiclearner
      1 year ago

      He related his own goddamn experiences with it and all you can do is give a non-question, like some right-winger.

      But that could just have been a bad experience. On the flip side it could have been amazing. It's like putting off dating someone from a different race just because you tried it one time and it didn't work out.