The narrative the overwhelming majority of Americans accept is "well the Bush Admin had bad intel, oh well whoopsie-daisy". Which conveniently absolves everyone - from the president on down to regular citizens - from any responsibility for the deaths of upwards of a million men, women, and children.

I mean, we all know Bush lied about it. But the fact that no one else even wants to interrogate that narrative is proof that this is truly a bad country. We're really just gonna let someone get away with the murdering hundreds of thousands of people, huh? Even if Bush was by some miracle duped, that is still criminal negligence and he should still spend the rest of his days rotting in the Hague. But nope, all is forgiven because he gave Michelle Obama some candy and he said some vague, extremely soft criticisms of Trump.

I think Americans do have some collective guilt over supporting the invasion. Now, I could maybe give some credit to Americans if they were prosecuting war criminal charges on Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, et al. But nope, not even a hint of holding them accountable. They're all going to eventually die in wealth and comfort. Meanwhile the Iraqis who died and their families will never have that peace.

TL; DR death to America


  • structuralize_this [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I'm not sure rehabilitated is the right word, maybe absolved is better. The liberals forgave him his sins because he gave Michelle Obama candy. If you were to ask most people who the worse president of their lifetime was, I think most would answer Trump which is wild given how comparatively little war crimes he committed relative to Bush.

    Does Bush do anything publicly anymore, other than the civility shit when some ghoul dies? I have to imagine if he did some speaking event he'd get a tonne of braindead boomers waiting in line to get their Alan Jackson album signed or some shit, but wouldn't literally everybody else show up and just tell the guy to fuck off? And like what is the opposition going to say? He was good for America buy letting 3000 people die and then entering a 20 year occupation that killed 5mil+? There isn't even the capitalist arguments of, the market went up, because shit colllllapsed in 2007/8/9.

    Junior has zero contingent of supporters. Trump was even dunking on him about 1million Iraqi civilians getting genocided.

    There should really be an overt effort to teach the kids in high school how much of a scum fuck Bush is. A simple assignment, like: Pick the worse president of your lifetime and explain why they were terrible. Frame it differently to appeal to American exceptionalism blah blah blah.

    Pick the president during your lifetime that least represented American values.

    Then make anybody that says Obama, Trump or Biden take an F until they watch