Sorry for the bad picture I kinda scrambled to get it, but yeah my prof went fully into the whole "in communism you don't own your toothbrush" stuff and then put up this slide.
I'm glad that my webcam and mic was off because I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at that.
edit: idk why the pic is rotated and idk how to fix it
It's really amazing to me that nearly everyone I've met who knows the definition of socialism turns out to be a leftist. The only others I've met are very bizarre hardline liberals who believe democracy is impossible because...something something natural hierarchies
Do they believe in clinton kill list and thinks it's a good thing?
It's more abstract than that, they believe socialism is simply built on lying and workers are better off listening to business owners on how to run an economy. They're very direct about their belief in IQ score based competency for participating in society
Shit, most of the people I know who are able to describe/define what capitalism are socialists.