I'm not doing too well comrades. I think I'm becoming an alcoholic to cope. I can go into the details if you want. There's no meaning to life, we suffer then we die and our consciousness is extinguished forever.

Any books you'd recommend to help with this? I like to read

  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    For general depression, The New Mood Therapy helped me a lot. You can easily arr it. For PTSD i liked The Body Keeps The Score.

    But as for 2020, idfk, like just choose the least harmful coping mechanisms you can i guess.

    I don't have any advice for an existensial crisis, i feel like everyone needs to find their own meaning to life. Mine i focus on making the world better for the people around me in whatever i can. Basically just always being there if anyone asks/needs help and doing some volunteering in my free time. Am i still gonna die? yeah. Am i still gonna suffer? yep. But whatever, day to day life is really all we fucking have and if i can make someone's day better i'm gonna do it and enjoy my life in the least harmful to others ways i can. That's all i got, idk.

    I hope you will be okay, though. <3