I heard that hexbear was the redfash tankie instance but they allow users to sign up anonymously so what gives?

I would think this requirement would be antithetical to a piracy focused instance.

So if I were stupid enough to include a regular email and not a throwaway then the admin here could just doxx my email any time they threw a fit about being called a liberal?

Seems like a very big security risk.

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    I agree, I do not know if is deliberate or not but there are other ways to prevent spam that doesn't require email verification. Like restricting ability to post/comment for some time or only allowing them to post after x number of comments etc.

    In fact, reddit doesn't really have a strict email verification. you can type in whatever email you want when registering, verification is optional (idk if they changed it recently though).

    They seem to have the questionnaire thing but no captcha for registration. I love that one of the 'golden rules' is 'No Tankie bullshit.' with a wikipedia article for tankie.

    • booty [he/him]
      2 months ago

      reddit doesn't really have a strict email verification. you can type in whatever email you want when registering

      you can literally just click "next" and sign up without an email