• Camaron29 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Oh cool, do nazis run ministries in the US, do they commit progroms????? I guess they are not a problem either.

    Lmao, thank god nazis are not a problem unless they control the upper echelons of the government.

    • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Didn't answer the question, deflect to an imagined point I didn't make. Oh yeah, it's :reddit-logo: time.

    • CTHlurker [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I mean, the far right in the US does run ministries. Like, half of the Republican party is either explicitly fascist or close enough. And that's not even getting into local governments in the US, where every single police department is more or less just a paramilitary force for whatever purpose they think they should serve.

      • Camaron29 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        You can literally make most of those points about russia too. As i've said, pretending russia is doing this for some noble antifascist reason is incredibly naive and frankly embarrasing.

          • Camaron29 [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Deflection? This was literally about some guy pretending the Wagner group is ok because they are silly little guys with no power. Acting exactly like the liberals with Azov.

              • Camaron29 [he/him]
                1 year ago

                Yes, and liberals also say that the Azov's group influence is overblown.

                Consume state dept propaganda and my positions falling in line with them?¿?¿?¿

                Hilarious, please, point to me where have i ever defended this war or supported Ukraine. Is "no to this war" the official US position? Has Biden critiziced Zelensky and it's gang of nazis???

                Stop with the mindless drivel, you people randomly spew buzzwords before even reading what someone else is actually saying.

                  • Camaron29 [he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    "Haha, silly Lenin, how dare you say both sides are the same, don't you know we must defend our people against french aggression??"

                    For someone antiwar you do seem too keen in justifying Putin. This war is both his and the US fault.