How do you f--- that up?

  • Vncredleader [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Great explanation. All of this shit in the Rust Belt/ Midwest and northern Appalachia with former industrial regions is so depressing, but in a weird way it makes me love this place all the more. Being from Pittsburgh with all the fallout of our history causing health issues for my family, all my neighboring cities like Cleveland, Youngstown, Cincinnati, etc being deindustrialized and sharing these similar anxieties; it all makes ya feel this acute sense of being screwed over together.

    It sucks there is less solidarity here than there was when the exploitation was at its most blatant, but damn if I don't love my hollowed out rust belt culture. Like its a polluted, aged, trending conservative, hopeless place, but its our polluted, aged, trending conservative, hopeless place. It also makes getting angry about capitalism easier when you can physically see the rot and abandonment of these places that gave everything to produce all that wealth and never benefited from it. They took and took and took, and left us with the destruction, the health-defects, and parents and grandparents with lingering disabilities or in my papap's case, dead.

    Rovics is not from here iirc but he nails it