Yes, see, this is why non sectarianism (in other words being in often mundane reality not overreacting) is so important , because I'm sure we disagree on many things but what's important and meaningful in this current historical context and moment is that folks(workers/leftists) most likely agree on what's important. As I'm sure you feel it's not about being "fond" of China or North Korea , it's about loving the entire world and trying to understand it, how did we get here (and what is the material experience of every nation as far as one can discern) whatever "here" actually is ?
And students... Oh man... Idk Im so bipolar on how I feel about these 18-20 year old folks ( I'm still in my 20's lol) living in this age of cybernetics because they can be socially progressive but the nihilism and western chauvinism is so deep in college spaces ... A generational analysis like that isn't Materialist yes but you understand what im communicating I'm sure.
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Yes, see, this is why non sectarianism (in other words being in often mundane reality not overreacting) is so important , because I'm sure we disagree on many things but what's important and meaningful in this current historical context and moment is that folks(workers/leftists) most likely agree on what's important. As I'm sure you feel it's not about being "fond" of China or North Korea , it's about loving the entire world and trying to understand it, how did we get here (and what is the material experience of every nation as far as one can discern) whatever "here" actually is ?
And students... Oh man... Idk Im so bipolar on how I feel about these 18-20 year old folks ( I'm still in my 20's lol) living in this age of cybernetics because they can be socially progressive but the nihilism and western chauvinism is so deep in college spaces ... A generational analysis like that isn't Materialist yes but you understand what im communicating I'm sure.