Every job should have a public posting period and all qualified candidates should have to be interviewed, no exceptions. Idk why only public sector work has remotely sane hiring policies.
Every job should have a public posting period and all qualified candidates should have to be interviewed, no exceptions. Idk why only public sector work has remotely sane hiring policies.
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you have some of my exact same experiences that it's uncanny. It's unreal that capitalism creates these same situations for people isolated from one another. I have multiple degrees but I don't think it matters much because I failed to "network" in school, as in I failed to become friends with some rich guy's son who can get me a job through nepotism. I have a job now I'm trying to hang onto, but it's rapidly becoming clear everyone here except me got there through family connections or sheer random chance.
The only viable career path I have right now is ask to become management and I abjectly refuse. I'm not going command people nor do I want to be in charge of hiring/firing. The other option is do what every else here does, work for a few years, save up money, and get into real estate. Flipping houses or being a landlord. I'm not doing that either.
It doesn't help that I hate the work. Half of my job simply involves filling the atmosphere with more CO2 and I go home feeling guilty about it every day. I don't know what else to say other than death to America and death to capitalism.
I am in this exact position, and my only hope in life is that I can get on disability for mental illness
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disability is actually below the poverty line where I live (B.C., Canada) but it would still give me a much better life than I can otherwise hope for in Capitalist Hell